Las palabras sirven para algo / Words serve for something
Este escrito, lo tenía guardado en mi carpeta de anotaciones.
Comienza el año y comienzo escribiendo algo que deseo que tenga utilidad.
Con eso deseo un muy feliz año 2013.
En nuestra vida cotidiana, cada día, lo tomamos como "algo". Otras personas lo toman como "algo para hacer algo", etc...
Cada persona es un mundo y sus formas de sentir, expresar y comprender son diferentes.
Sus formas de interiorizar y exteriorizar son variables, son de una forma y con el tiempo pueden cambiar o modificarse en el curso de sus acciones y vidas.
Por lo tanto, la acción viene definida por muchas variables, pero, sobre todo, por su mente, cerebro y cuerpo.
Cuándo alguien se encuentra agusto en un entorno con alguien, transmite mediante palabras, envía comunicación de su ser, es decir, con las palabras transmite algo y, ese algo, con una positiva retrocomunicación puede dar resultado a un fruto muy magnánimo y preciado.
Teniendo en cuenta la inteorización, exteriorización, mente, cerebro, cuerpo, transmisión y retrocomunicación para dar resultado a un fruto preciado, no debemos olvidar que las palabras sirven para algo.
Una palabra puede ser una acción futura óptima para alguien mediante una transmisión de persona a persona, la palabra puede ser un bien muy preciado si le damos un uso correcto.
Es muy necesario saber comunicar, también lo es saber recibir la comunicación y comprender, es importante usar las palabras en un modo, el que sea cambiante de acciones, de acciones desfavorecedoras a acciones favorecedoras.
Pero sin duda algo que se debe recordar en la palabra, es la gran capacidad de creer en la propia persona que recibe la palabra.
Esto lo podemos aplicar a una gran cantidad de aspectos.
"Nuestro cuerpo habla, en todos los aspectos, escucha su palabra para transmitir tu palabra confiada en tu ser". Chechu Lee.
That letter, which i had saved my log folder.
Start the year and i start writing something that I want that this be useful.
With that I wish you a very happy 2013.
In our daily life, every day, we take it as "something". Other people take it as "something for something", etc...
Each person is a different world and their way of feeling, of expressing and understanding are different.
Their ways of internalizing and externalizing are variables, are one way and over time may change or be modified in the course of their lives and actions.
Therefore, the action is defined by many variables, but. above all, in his mind, brain and body.
When someone is comfortable in an environment with someone, this person transmitted by words, send your communication about your being, that is, in the words conveys something and this something, with a positive retrocomunicación can give a result that it can be a very magnanimous and precious fruit.
Given the inteorización, externalization, mind, brain, body, transmission and retrocomunicación to give result to a precious fruit, we must not forget that words serve for something.
A word can be an optimal future action for someone with a transmission from person to person, the word can be a precious commodity if we give proper use.
It is very necessary to know how to communicate, too is necessary so is knowing how to receive the communication and understanding, it is important to use words in a way that is changing the bad actions in good actions
Imagen: Fuente propia
That letter, which i had saved my log folder.
Start the year and i start writing something that I want that this be useful.
With that I wish you a very happy 2013.
In our daily life, every day, we take it as "something". Other people take it as "something for something", etc...
Each person is a different world and their way of feeling, of expressing and understanding are different.
Their ways of internalizing and externalizing are variables, are one way and over time may change or be modified in the course of their lives and actions.
Therefore, the action is defined by many variables, but. above all, in his mind, brain and body.
When someone is comfortable in an environment with someone, this person transmitted by words, send your communication about your being, that is, in the words conveys something and this something, with a positive retrocomunicación can give a result that it can be a very magnanimous and precious fruit.
Given the inteorización, externalization, mind, brain, body, transmission and retrocomunicación to give result to a precious fruit, we must not forget that words serve for something.
A word can be an optimal future action for someone with a transmission from person to person, the word can be a precious commodity if we give proper use.
It is very necessary to know how to communicate, too is necessary so is knowing how to receive the communication and understanding, it is important to use words in a way that is changing the bad actions in good actions
But definitely something to remember in the word, is the great ability to believe in the person who receives the word.
This can apply to a lot of aspects.
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